This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Procurement of Consulting Services for Economic Development Strategy
Durham, NC
City of Durham
The buyer seeks consulting services to develop a comprehensive economic development strategy. The consultant will analyze the local economy, identify growth opportunities, and create actionable plans for business attraction, retention, and workforce development. The strategy should address equitable growth, infrastructure needs, and support for small businesses and entrepreneurship. Stakeholder engagement and community input are key components of the project.
- 1/23/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
- 1/30/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 2/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of 5 years experience in economic development consulting
- Demonstrated expertise in developing comprehensive economic strategies
- Experience working with municipalities of similar size and demographics
- Proven track record of stakeholder engagement and community outreach
- Conduct comprehensive economic analysis of Durham
- Identify key industry clusters and economic drivers
- Develop strategies for business attraction and retention
- Create action plan for workforce development
- Propose innovative approaches for equitable economic growth
- Engage stakeholders and community members in strategy development
- Analyze real estate and land use patterns
- Recommend policies to support small businesses and entrepreneurship
- Assess infrastructure needs to support economic development
- Deliver final economic development strategy report and presentation
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