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Employee Assistance Program
West Virginia
West Virginia State Police
The buyer is seeking to establish an open-end contract for an Employee Assistance Program for approximately 1100 employees of the West Virginia State Police, both sworn and civilian. The program must provide various counseling services, mental health evaluations, and critical incident support. The contract will be for one year with three one-year renewal options. Services must be available statewide and accessible 24/7.
- 6/26/2023 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide face-to-face counseling services to employees
- Conduct annual mental health evaluations for uniformed members
- Offer critical incident referrals for up to 6 counseling sessions
- Provide bi-annual mental health counseling for specific units
- Allow employees and families to participate in up to 3 sessions
- Partner with WVSP for annual in-service training
- Provide specialized services like Critical Incident Debriefing
- Contract with therapists across WV to offer services statewide
- Be available 24/7 via toll-free number
- Maintain confidentiality of employee program access
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