This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Campaign Finance System
Denver, Colorado
City and County of Denver
Buyer seeks information on campaign finance solutions to replace outdated internal custom application. The new system aims to allow easy reporting of contributions and expenditures, enable proactive auditing, enforce campaign finance requirements, and provide public transparency. Buyer requires a web-based solution with mobile functionality, integration with payment processing, and ability to support new public matching funds program.
- 12/5/2019 - Deadline to Submit Written Questions
- 12/9/2019 - Response to Written Questions
- 12/13/2019 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop web-based campaign finance reporting application
- Implement public matching funds program functionality
- Create interactive dashboard for campaign finance data
- Enable proactive auditing of committee finances
- Integrate with city payment processing system
- Implement user account management and security features
- Migrate existing campaign finance data
- Provide user training and knowledge transfer
- Ensure ADA compliance
- Enable notifications and reminders for filing deadlines
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