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Planning District 16 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Fredericksburg, Virginia

George Washington Regional Commission

The buyer seeks to create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Planning District 16. The project requires analysis of regional economic conditions, stakeholder engagement, and development of strategic plans. The buyer emphasizes public involvement and requires regular reporting throughout the contract period. The final deliverable must meet US Economic Development Administration CEDS guidelines.

  • 10/29/2024 - RFP Issued
  • 11/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 12/14/2024 - Shortlist Interviews
  • 12/19/2024 - Award Determination
  • 1/2/2025 - Contract Begins
  • 10/1/2025 - Contract Ends
Refer to RFP
  • Review regional economic development documents
  • Conduct regional economic conditions analysis
  • Perform stakeholder interviews
  • Develop SWOT analysis
  • Create visioning/goals & objectives
  • Design evaluation framework
  • Develop final CEDS plan
  • Engage public and stakeholders throughout process
  • Submit monthly progress reports
  • Conduct regular check-in calls with GWRC staff

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