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Five-Year Strategic Plan

Montgomery County, Maryland

Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services

The buyer is seeking a consultant to develop a five-year strategic plan for their permitting services department. The plan will focus on improving efficiency, customer service, and technological capabilities. The consultant will conduct a comprehensive assessment, develop strategies, and create an implementation plan. The project involves stakeholder engagement and regular progress updates with department leadership.

  • 11/13/2024 - Issue Date
  • 11/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct current state assessment and analysis of permitting processes
  • Develop vision, mission, goals and objectives for the department
  • Create strategies for process optimization and technology upgrades
  • Establish key performance indicators and monitoring systems
  • Develop a phased implementation plan with timelines and responsibilities
  • Create a communication strategy for stakeholders and the public
  • Provide regular progress updates and meetings with department leadership
  • Deliver final five-year strategic plan document

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