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Rebranding Project
Garner, NC
Town of Garner
The buyer seeks a creative, qualified graphic designer, design firm, or agency to create a strong visual identity and brand for the town. The project includes developing brand standards, a brand manual, and an implementation timeline. The buyer aims to create an eye-catching, modern design logo that appeals widely and builds on the current graphic brand. The project must incorporate sub-brands and integrate the Garner Volunteer Fire-Rescue Inc. into the town government.
- 10/11/2024 - Questions Due
- 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Experience formulating new brands based on research-driven methodology
- Experience with public engagement process
- Experience working with municipalities and/or government clients
- Experience working in Garner and with Garner Fire-Rescue Department
- Create visual identity, brand standards, and brand manual
- Develop implementation timeline with executable milestones
- Incorporate sub-brands (departments) and Garner Volunteer Fire-Rescue Inc.
- Design eye-catching, modern logo building off current graphic brand
- Include Town Council and public input in development process
- Provide style guide for graphics and templates for day-to-day operations
- Conduct trademark and copyright searches for proposed brand elements
- Define brand implementation activities and ongoing communication strategies
- Engage residents, businesses, and local community leaders
- Create new brand for Garner Fire-Rescue Department
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