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Information Security Incident Response Retainer
Minneapolis, Minnesota
City of Minneapolis
The buyer seeks an information security incident response retainer from a cybersecurity firm. The buyer requires incident response capabilities, computer incident forensics, and options for proactive services. The buyer prefers a retainer model where unused hours can be utilized for other services. The buyer aims to augment its incident response capacity and ensure timely access to effective incident response services.
- 10/7/2024 - Questions on RFP Due
- 10/11/2024 - Responses to Questions Posted
- 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 12/31/2024 - Estimated Consultant Selection
- 3/31/2025 - Estimated Services Start Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop and test comprehensive incident response plan
- Provide 24/7 incident response support
- Conduct forensic investigations to determine cause and extent of incidents
- Contain and eradicate security incidents
- Assist with recovery and remediation of affected systems
- Conduct post-incident reviews
- Offer security audits and penetration tests with unused hours
- Provide rapid response to security incidents
- Help implement new security controls
- Work with City to define roles and procedures for incident response
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