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Video Production Services

Roselle, New Jersey

Borough of Roselle

The buyer is seeking qualified individuals and firms to provide Video Production services. The contract term is for one year. The selected contractor will be responsible for creating, editing, and producing video services to promote and advertise Borough/Council events. The buyer requires experience in videography production and marketing within diverse urban communities.

  • 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 1/1/2025 - Contract Term Start
  • 12/31/2025 - Contract Term End
  • Five years' experience providing services to Borough of Roselle or other New Jersey governmental entities
  • Significant knowledge and experience in videography and marketing within diverse and minority urban communities
  • Experience in media creation, development, production and dissemination
  • Create, edit, and produce video services to promote and advertise Borough/Council events
  • Edit raw video
  • Maintain borough postings as needed
  • Provide videography production services
  • Create, publish, and distribute information in various media forms

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