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CCU Collection Management System

Washington, DC

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

The buyer is seeking a contractor to provide a cloud-based Collection Management System for recording debt collection, reconciling debt, and consolidating delinquent debt data. The system will serve as the system of record for the Central Collection Unit (CCU) and must meet their business and functional requirements. The buyer requires the system to comply with security standards, integrate with existing systems, and provide comprehensive reporting capabilities.

  • 9/26/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/15/2024 - Waiver Request Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide cloud-based Collection Management System for recording debt collection
  • Implement system to reconcile and consolidate District delinquent debt data
  • Ensure system complies with Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
  • Integrate with District's telephony service and payment processing systems
  • Provide training and support for CCU staff on new system
  • Implement secured payment portal for debtors to make online payments
  • Develop maintenance and replacement schedule for system equipment
  • Provide data archiving and retention capabilities for 15 years
  • Implement security controls to prevent unauthorized access
  • Provide software updates and enhancements at no additional cost

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