This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Development of an Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan
Amherst, VA
Amherst County
The buyer is seeking proposals to create a 3-year IT strategic plan. The plan will set the framework for planning and implementation for the County. The selected proposer will conduct an assessment of IT infrastructure, staffing, needs, and opportunities. The deliverable will include prioritized recommendations, cost estimates, and implementation timeframes.
- 9/25/2024 - Proposal Opening Date
- 10/17/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Conduct IT infrastructure assessment
- Interview department heads and Board of Supervisors
- Analyze IT structure and staffing
- Develop 3-year IT Strategic Plan
- Prioritize technology projects and activities
- Provide cost and schedule estimates for projects
- Recommend IT governance processes and standards
- Define metrics for IT performance
- Present findings to County leadership and Board of Supervisors
- Deliver inventory and analysis of IT systems
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