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Review of Arlington Public Schools Operations/Budget

Arlington, Virginia

Arlington Public Schools

The buyer seeks a comprehensive review and analysis of its current budget and operations to mitigate a forecasted $55+ million budget deficit in fiscal year 2026. The objective is to provide recommendations to the School Board to bring the FY2026 budget into structural balance while meeting Strategic Plan priorities and Virginia Standards of Quality. The project aims to identify areas of budget savings or revenue generation.

  • 9/30/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 10/9/2024 - Question Deadline
  • 10/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • Completed two similar projects within five years prior to Proposal Due Date
  • Possess at least five years of continual experience in delivering similar services
  • Review and analyze current FY2025 Adopted Budget and operations
  • Provide recommendations to establish structural balance in FY2026 Budget
  • Examine budgets of surrounding school districts
  • Assess best practices in funding generation and expenditure allocation
  • Provide three implementation options for proposed budget measures
  • Present recommendations to key stakeholders

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