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Comprehensive Plan Update for Franklin County, Kansas
Ottawa, Kansas
Franklin County
Buyer seeks to update their comprehensive plan for unincorporated areas of Franklin County, Kansas. The plan will address strategic growth, development, and preservation of agricultural land. Buyer requires public engagement, demographic analysis, and evaluation of land use, transportation, economic development, and public services. The updated plan will guide future decision-making for county officials and residents.
- 8/15/2024 - Release of RFP
- 10/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 11/21/2024 - Planning Commission Presentations
- 12/11/2024 - County Commission Presentations
Refer to RFP
- Collaborate with Planning Commission, Staff, and public to create robust comprehensive plan
- Facilitate public outreach events and surveys
- Analyze demographic and socioeconomic trends
- Assess natural resources and water management
- Develop current and future land use plans
- Evaluate transportation infrastructure and future needs
- Identify economic development opportunities
- Investigate recreation opportunities in unincorporated areas
- Evaluate public services including schools and emergency services
- Create strategic and sustainable growth plan balancing agriculture and development
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