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FY2023 SS4A Safety Action Plan - Chamblee Public Works

Chamblee, Georgia

City of Chamblee

The buyer seeks to develop a comprehensive Safety Action Plan with a Vision Zero basis. The goal is to create a holistic strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries for all users. The plan will include safety analysis, stakeholder engagement, equity review, and implementation strategies. The buyer aims to coordinate existing efforts and develop new infrastructure while emphasizing equity in the planning process.

  • 9/23/2024 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
  • 9/25/2024 - Deadline for Question Submission
  • 9/30/2024 - Response to Questions
  • 10/14/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 12/1/2024 - Project Start
  • 7/31/2025 - Draft Plan Completion Date
  • 8/31/2025 - Final Plan Completion Date
  • 9/30/2025 - Final Plan Adoption Date
  • 12/31/2025 - SS4A Final Report Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a Safety Action Plan with a Vision Zero basis
  • Conduct comprehensive safety analysis of existing conditions and trends
  • Perform transportation equity review
  • Create implementation matrix with potential projects and strategies
  • Develop robust stakeholder and public engagement plan
  • Prepare administrative draft and final plan
  • Create executive summary and fact sheet
  • Translate outreach materials into multiple languages
  • Identify and engage key communities disproportionately impacted by traffic risks
  • Review existing programs, policies, and planning documents related to transportation safety

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