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Communications Consultant for Urban and Community Forestry Master Plan

New Haven, CT

City of New Haven

The buyer seeks a Communications Consultant to assist in developing an Urban and Community Forestry Master Plan. The consultant will create and implement communication strategies to engage stakeholders and raise awareness. The project aims to guide policy and management decisions for equitable, sustainable, and climate-resilient urban forest care. The consultant will work closely with the project team and UCFMP consultant to ensure successful plan implementation.

  • 9/15/2024 - Release Date
  • 10/13/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop comprehensive communication strategy for Urban and Community Forestry Master Plan
  • Engage key stakeholders and facilitate public meetings and workshops
  • Create public outreach and education campaign with informative materials
  • Design and produce visually appealing communication materials adhering to city branding
  • Establish KPIs and monitor performance of communication efforts
  • Develop and maintain website dedicated to the Urban and Community Forest Master Plan
  • Provide graphic design services for brochures, handouts, and website items
  • Arrange videography and photography services for events and promotional purposes
  • Develop social media content and other outreach materials
  • Assist in writing and formatting newsletters and press releases

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