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Macomb Near-Miss Intersection Analytics & Trajectory System
Macomb County Department of Roads
The buyer seeks proposals to develop, implement, and evaluate a Near-Miss Intersection Analytics & Trajectory System. This project aims to improve intersection safety at 10 signalized intersections using innovative traffic and ITS technology. The selected consultant will research and deploy multiple analytics platforms to identify safety issues more quickly than traditional crash data analysis methods. The project includes system deployment, integration with existing operations, and a comprehensive evaluation to determine the most effective solution for future widespread use.
- 10/4/2024 - Questions Due
- 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 12/1/2024 - Anticipated Consultant Contract
- 3/31/2025 - Planned NEPA Completion Date
- 4/1/2025 - Planned Construction Start Date
- 5/1/2026 - Planned Evaluation Period End Date
- 5/31/2026 - Planned SS4A Final Report Date
- Prequalified to perform Design - Traffic: Safety Studies for MDOT
- Prequalified to perform Design - Traffic: ITS Design & System Manager services for MDOT
- Conduct state-of-the-practice review of emerging near-miss intersection analysis technologies
- Develop deployment plan using Systems Engineering approach
- Complete MDOT Form 5323 for environmental clearance
- Test and deploy selected near-miss analytics technologies at 10 intersections
- Evaluate deployed systems to determine most effective solution
- Document findings in final report and prepare CTSAP addendum
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