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Prequalification Management Software Program
Los Angeles Unified School District
The buyer seeks a comprehensive prequalification management software program to streamline and automate the prequalification process for construction contractors. The system will allow contractors to complete questionnaires, upload documents, and view application status online. Buyer staff will use the system to review and process submittals, communicate with contractors, and generate reports. The goal is to increase contractor participation and reduce processing times.
- 9/24/2024 - Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 9/27/2024 - Questions Due
- 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/14/2024 - Interview and Demo Start
- 11/1/2024 - Anticipated Performance Period Start
- Provide copy of California business license
- Have 5+ years experience providing web-based prequalification process applications
- Provide evidence of required insurance coverage
- Develop web-based prequalification application system for contractors
- Implement automated review and approval process
- Create reporting and analytics features
- Provide data migration and system integration
- Deliver user training and documentation
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