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Evidence Management Software

Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles County Internal Services Department

The buyer is seeking an evidence management software solution for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office. The system includes a cloud-based platform with mobile app capabilities for iOS and Android. The buyer requires on-site training, data import services, and hardware such as wireless scanners and thermal printers. The solution must adhere to strict information security and privacy standards.

  • 9/27/2024 - RFP Issue Date
  • 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide evidence management system license
  • Deliver mobile app for iOS and Android
  • Conduct on-site training and installation
  • Perform data import of existing data
  • Supply wireless scanner kits and thermal transfer printers
  • Provide audit services
  • Implement information security and privacy programs
  • Conduct background investigations on contractor employees
  • Deliver annual training on information security procedures
  • Maintain confidentiality of county information

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