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Creation and Facilitation of Strategic Enrollment Plan

Pueblo, CO

Pueblo Community College

Buyer is seeking a consultant to develop a Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP) for their institution. The project involves data analysis, strategy development, enrollment goal setting, and implementation advising. The consultant will provide an Enrollment Projection Model and create multi-year projections for new students. The plan aims to address demographic changes and market trends affecting enrollment.

  • 9/30/2024 - Quote Issue Date
  • 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP)
  • Analyze enrollment and market data
  • Develop and prioritize SEP initiatives
  • Set enrollment goals
  • Advise on plan implementation
  • Provide Enrollment Projection Model
  • Project new student enrollment by county
  • Create multi-year projections for new first-year students
  • Present key findings and recommendations
  • Facilitate SEP organization and key performance indicator identification

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