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Software - Whitehat/Blackduck
Los Angeles, CA
County of Los Angeles
The buyer is seeking to procure WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software and related services. This includes various editions of Sentinel, Polaris SAST, and support services. The software and services are required for different durations ranging from 8 to 12 months. The buyer requires electronic delivery of all software and updates.
- 9/27/2024 - Date Issued
- 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Sentinel Standard Editions for 12 months
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Sentinel Source Satellite VM for 8 months
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - WH Sentinel Source - ESS ED for 8 months
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Polaris SAST - TM - No Triage for 12 months
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Sentinel Standard Support
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Premium Support for 12 months
- Provide WhiteHat Security Black Duck Software - Pro IMP - Polaris for 12 months
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