This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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City Monument Sign at Everton Project
Warrenville, IL
City of Warrenville
The buyer seeks proposals for the construction of a City Monument Sign at Everton Project. The project involves building a precast concrete monument sign with recessed lighting and associated work. Bidders must submit sealed proposals, attend a public bid opening, and be prepared to provide necessary bonds. The buyer requires all incidental and collateral work to complete the project successfully.
- 9/23/2024 - Document Availability
- 10/1/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
- 10/7/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Construct a 2.5' x 12' precast concrete monument sign
- Install recessed lighting for the monument sign
- Perform all incidental and collateral work necessary for project completion
- Provide and install Performance and Payment Bonds
- Submit bid with required bid bond or equivalent
- Attend public bid opening
- Execute contract if awarded
- Coordinate with city officials for project implementation
- Ensure compliance with all local regulations and specifications
- Manage project timeline to meet completion deadlines
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