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Consulting Services for a Five-Year Development Plan for the City of Trenton Urban Enterprise Zone

Trenton, New Jersey

City of Trenton

The buyer is seeking a qualified consultant to prepare a preliminary 5-year zone development plan for its Urban Enterprise Zone. The plan will set forth the zone boundaries, analyze economic conditions, and propose strategies to stimulate economic development. The consultant will work with the buyer to develop a roadmap for achieving UEZ goals in stimulating growth and redevelopment. The plan will require approval from the City Council and New Jersey UEZA.

  • 10/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a 5-year roadmap for the Urban Enterprise Zone
  • Conduct community and business outreach, including to underserved groups
  • Analyze economic conditions and market supply/demand in the UEZ
  • Propose changes to UEZ boundaries with justification
  • Outline major initiatives for next 5 years
  • Develop a marketing and implementation plan
  • Create a preliminary budget framework
  • Establish metrics and measurements of success
  • Coordinate with other municipal, county, and state plans/programs
  • Prepare final 5-year zone development plan document

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