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City of Lampasas Signage Master Plan
Lampasas, Texas
City of Lampasas
The buyer is seeking proposals for the development and implementation of a comprehensive signage master plan. The project involves designing and installing vehicular wayfinding signage throughout the city in accordance with TXDOT standards. The scope includes selective demolition of existing signage, engineering, and permitting for new installations. The buyer aims to improve city navigation and branding through this signage initiative.
- 9/17/2024 - Pre-Bid Meeting
- 10/1/2024 - Bid Opening
- 10/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Design vehicular wayfinding signage in accordance with TXDOT standards
- Perform selective demolition of existing signage
- Install new wayfinding signage throughout Lampasas
- Provide engineering and permitting for signage installation
- Develop a comprehensive signage master plan for the city
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