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Branding and Marketing Consultant for Homeless Services Division
Louisville Metro Government Office of Resilience and Community Services
Buyer seeks a qualified branding and marketing consultant to create community awareness of homeless services. The project involves developing a branding strategy, designing a multi-channel marketing campaign, and implementing tailored messaging. The consultant will conduct a brand audit, create visual identity elements, and establish performance measurement strategies. The goal is to communicate how to access services and mitigate homelessness by responding to community members in crisis.
- 9/23/2024 - Question Period Start
- 9/24/2024 - Question Period End
- 9/25/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Conduct a brand audit and analysis
- Develop improved branding strategy including messaging and visual identity
- Design multi-channel marketing campaign (logos, flyers, media resources)
- Implement tailored messaging for community awareness
- Create strategies to communicate division's goal of mitigating homelessness
- Develop messaging on how to access homeless services
- Design visual elements for brand identity (logos, flyers)
- Create media resources for marketing campaign
- Establish clear KPIs and measurement strategies
- Provide reporting and analysis approach for campaign performance
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