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Workforce Development Board Strategic Leadership Training
$25,000.00 (includes travel, hotel, and expenses)
Kernersville, North Carolina
North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards
Buyer seeks a qualified facilitator to develop and deliver a two-day in-person training on Workforce Development Board Strategic Leadership. The training will cover topics such as WIOA expectations, strategic planning, board utilization, and workforce ecosystems. Buyer requires a comprehensive approach to support directors in understanding and implementing effective strategic leadership in workforce development.
- 8/16/2024 - RFP Release
- 9/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/30/2024 - Final Decision
- 12/2/2024 - Training Day 1
- 12/3/2024 - Training Day 2
- Experience facilitating similar training sessions
- Positive references
- Sound plan for stated scope of work
- Understanding of strategic planning for WIOA and Workforce Development Boards
- Develop and deliver two-day in-person training on Workforce Development Board Strategic Leadership
- Cover WIOA expectations and Executive Director role
- Teach strategic leadership with limited resources
- Guide development of Workforce Board vision and strategic plan
- Instruct on effective board utilization and meeting management
- Explain Workforce Development Ecosystems and partner engagement
- Discuss leveraging technology for workforce program delivery
- Provide training materials including outline and pre-work
- Meet with EDC Training Committee to review plans
- Record training session for future use
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