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ExCEL-ELO-P After School and/or Summer Program Lead Agency
San Francisco Unified School District
Buyer is seeking Community-Based Organizations to serve as ExCEL/ELO-P Lead Agencies for after-school and/or summer programs. The programs should align with the District's mission and California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning. Buyer requires agencies to design, implement, and manage high-quality programs that include tutoring, arts, recreation, and leadership activities. Selected agencies will collaborate with school administrators and engage families to support positive youth outcomes.
- 7/17/2024 - Pre-Submittal Question Submission Deadline
- 7/26/2024 - Question and Answer Posting
- 9/6/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 11/15/2024 - ExCEL Qualified Lead Agency List
- 2 years experience providing Expanded Learning Programs to youth in TK-12 age range
- 2 years experience hiring, retaining, and providing professional development to qualified staff
- 2 years experience engaging diverse students in high quality expanded learning programs
- 2 years experience collaborating with school site leadership on program implementation
- 2 years experience partnering with school community and engaging families
- Design, plan, coordinate and operate after-school and/or summer programs
- Align programs with District's mission, values, goals and California Quality Standards
- Provide tutoring, arts, recreation, and leadership activities
- Collaborate with school site administrators on program development
- Hire, supervise, and provide professional development for program staff
- Manage fiscal aspects and payroll services for the program
- Implement healthy practices and physical activities for students
- Engage families and community partners in program support
- Develop and implement Quality Action Plan with school leadership
- Ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines for expanded learning programs
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