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Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan

Oak Harbor, Washington

City of Oak Harbor

The buyer seeks a consultant to develop an Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. This initiative aims to establish a clear vision for Oak Harbor's economic future. The plan will focus on leveraging the city's strengths and addressing challenges. It will integrate current policies and community feedback to create a cohesive approach to economic development.

  • 7/27/2024 - Issuance of RFP
  • 8/1/2024 - Vendor interviews, reference checks, draft scope of work
  • 8/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/1/2024 - Contract agreement, Vendor approval, Notice to Proceed
Refer to RFP
  • Develop baseline economic analysis of local demographics, labor, real estate, and other factors
  • Review existing planning documents including County's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
  • Conduct community engagement including stakeholder interviews and public surveys
  • Develop strategy to implement EDSAP-recommended programs and actions
  • Produce demographic profile and economic base analysis
  • Create public participation plan
  • Deliver final Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan

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