This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Transit Marketing Services
Bay County Board of County Commissioners
The buyer is seeking proposals from qualified marketing/public relations firms to manage and expand the public outreach and marketing strategy for the Bayway Public Transportation System. The buyer wants to implement an ongoing campaign incorporating various marketing strategies to promote public transit use, increase awareness and ridership, and brand Bayway services to key audiences. Experience in traditional and non-traditional media advertising, word of mouth advertising, social media, research, and public relations is desired.
- 8/5/2024 - Questions Due
- 8/20/2024 - Proposal Evaluations
- 8/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/17/2024 - Board Meeting for Recommended Award
- Actively engaged in this line of work for at least 5 years
- Good record of performance
- Sufficient financial support, equipment, personnel, and facilities
- Develop and implement ongoing marketing campaign
- Promote use of public transit and increase awareness and ridership
- Implement branding of Bayway services to key audiences
- Manage traditional and non-traditional media advertising
- Conduct word of mouth advertising and social media campaigns
- Perform market research
- Provide public relations services
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