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Professional Content & Training Providers: HR Leads University

Cleveland, OH

City of Cleveland

The buyer is seeking qualified Professional Content & Training Service Providers to design and deliver learning content for its HR Leads University Training series. The provider will develop HR competency-based curriculum, assessments, and evaluation tools for approximately 70 HR Leads. The training will focus on enhancing HR-related skills and technical knowledge for departmental staff performing Human Resource functions. The buyer aims to clarify and unify the role of HR Leads across city departments.

  • 7/30/2024 - Release Date
  • 8/9/2024 - Deadline for Questions
  • 8/13/2024 - Publish RFP Addendum
  • 8/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Design and develop specific HR competency-based curriculum
  • Deliver training to departmental staff performing Human Resource functions
  • Provide assessments, adult learning aids, and post-training skill development
  • Develop evaluation tools for each class or course
  • Create learning aides including handouts, participant guides, and action plans
  • Conduct a three-month follow-up session with learners
  • Develop pre-work and post-work assignments for each class
  • Identify appropriate training delivery methods for each course
  • Design content aligned with public sector culture
  • Provide technical training on HR software and digital literacy

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