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Community Wildfire Protection Plan GIS Applications

Nevada City, CA

Nevada County

Buyer is seeking proposals for GIS applications to support the Community Wildfire Protection Plan update. The project involves creating interactive GIS tools for monitoring, project tracking, and public engagement. Buyer requires expertise in ESRI products, ArcGIS Online, and web GIS application development. The selected firm will work with county departments to integrate various data sources and create a comprehensive GIS ecosystem for wildfire risk reduction efforts.

  • 7/29/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 8/5/2024 - Deadline for Final Questions
  • 8/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/8/2024 - Contract Approval
  • 6/30/2025 - Project Completion
Refer to RFP
  • Create GIS applications for CWPP monitoring, project submission, and interactive mapping
  • Acquire and integrate wildfire mitigation project data from existing trackers
  • Develop data taxonomy and structure for GIS applications
  • Coordinate with stakeholders and manage groups within ArcGIS systems
  • Integrate data from various county plans and resources

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