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Technical Support Services for Pavement Technologies

Washington, DC

Federal Highway Administration

The buyer seeks technical support services for its pavement technologies program. The contract will involve organizing stakeholder meetings, documenting best practices, delivering training, conducting demonstration projects, and providing technical assistance. The work aims to advance pavement design, construction, evaluation, and management practices. The buyer requires expertise in pavement materials, testing, construction, preservation, and related areas.

  • 7/11/2024 - Solicitation Issue Date
  • 8/12/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Organize and conduct stakeholder meetings and working groups
  • Synthesize and document best practices for pavement design and construction
  • Develop and deliver technical workshops, webinars, and training courses
  • Conduct demonstration projects with state highway agencies
  • Provide technical and engineering assistance on pavement technologies
  • Develop marketing strategies and materials for technology deployment
  • Perform testing and forensic evaluations of pavement materials and projects
  • Organize technical sessions at Transportation Research Board annual meetings
  • Prepare technical reports and publications on pavement technologies
  • Develop and maintain project websites and online resources

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