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Heat Mitigation

New Orleans, Louisiana

City of New Orleans

The buyer seeks to engage a consultant to develop an extreme heat mitigation and resilience strategy. The project involves data collection and analysis, public engagement, and development of actionable recommendations. The buyer requires a comprehensive technical report with short and long-term actions to enhance heat mitigation and adaptation strategies. The strategy should include infrastructure, policy, and public health considerations.

  • 7/1/2024 - Release Date
  • 7/11/2024 - Pre-Submittal Conference
  • 7/18/2024 - Deadline for Submitting Questions
  • 7/25/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Collect and analyze existing studies on extreme heat/urban heat island effect
  • Develop GIS maps aggregating collected heat data
  • Create shared definition of urban heat islands
  • Analyze impact of extreme urban heat and future risks/costs
  • Review existing city plans for heat-related elements
  • Develop and implement community engagement plan
  • Identify best practices for heat mitigation strategies
  • Provide draft and finalized Heat Adaptation Plan

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