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Mobility-As-A-Service App
Ithaca, New York
Tompkins County
The buyer seeks to develop a mobile app and website for its Mobility-as-a-Service project. The app will enable users to access multi-modal transportation options, plan trips, and connect to a customer service center. The project aims to improve accessibility of mobility information and services for all residents, particularly those with low income, disabilities, and from underserved communities. The app will serve as a foundation for future payment integration capabilities.
- 7/16/2024 - Questions Due
- 7/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop smartphone app for Android and iOS to connect users to multi-modal transportation services
- Create corresponding website with similar functionality as the mobile app
- Implement trip planning capabilities for various mobility services
- Integrate call center access and emergency ride home program into the app
- Provide data capture and tracking for county reporting purposes
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