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Pharmacy Point-of-Service Billing System
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
The buyer is seeking a contractor to provide Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction services for its Pharmacy Point-of-Service Billing System. The system will adjudicate prescription billing online at the point-of-sale. The contractor will act as a router of information between pharmacies and the buyer. The buyer's transaction volume is estimated at 50,000 every two months. Transaction costs will be paid by the submitting pharmacy.
- 1/17/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 12/20/2024 - Question & Answer Period Ends
- 1/22/2025 - Final Q&A Document Posted
- 2/10/2025 - Oral Presentations
Refer to RFP
- Provide Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction services for pharmacy point-of-service billing
- Route information between pharmacies and L&I
- Validate and adjudicate prescription billing submissions
- Provide system activity and performance reporting
- Implement disaster recovery plan and testing methodology
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