This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Strategic Planning Consultant for Ohio City Inc.

Cleveland, Ohio

Ohio City Inc.

Buyer seeks a qualified consultant to guide the development of a comprehensive strategic plan. The project involves stakeholder engagement, organizational assessment, and plan development. Buyer aims to align its mission, vision, and goals with current and future community needs. The consultant will facilitate an inclusive process to position the buyer as a vital community resource.

  • 10/18/2023 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct community engagement sessions, focus groups, and surveys
  • Evaluate OCI's current administrative operations, governance structure, and community impact
  • Facilitate planning sessions with staff and Board to define mission, vision, and goals
  • Draft a strategic plan with measurable goals and implementation roadmap
  • Provide training for staff and board members on plan implementation
  • Develop clear objectives with performance indicators for all core programs
  • Create a detailed implementation plan with timelines and resource needs
  • Assess emerging opportunities for the organization
  • Improve operational efficiency of Ohio City Inc.
  • Align OCI's mission and goals with current community needs

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