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Website Design and Development Services
Hartford, CT
Capitol Region Council of Governments
The buyer is seeking a qualified vendor to design and develop a new website. The project includes implementing a content management system, ensuring mobile responsiveness and ADA compliance, and integrating with third-party applications. The buyer requires ongoing maintenance and support, as well as staff training on website management. The new website should have an intuitive navigation structure and include a secure member portal for internal use.
- 5/25/2023 - Questions Due
- 6/1/2023 - Answers Posted
- 6/15/2023 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of 5 years experience in website design and development
- Expertise in content management systems
- Proven track record of creating responsive and ADA compliant websites
- Experience working with government or non-profit organizations
- Design and develop a new website for CRCOG
- Implement a content management system
- Ensure mobile responsiveness and ADA compliance
- Integrate with third-party applications and databases
- Provide ongoing maintenance and support
- Conduct user testing and make necessary adjustments
- Implement search engine optimization strategies
- Create a secure member portal for internal use
- Develop an intuitive navigation structure
- Provide training for staff on website management
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